Sunday, July 8, 2012

Writing it all down...

If I wrote down my story...Where do I begin? I think it's pretty fair to say that I have been traveling up hill my whole life.  I was born in 1968....a politically charged time for sure, Civil Rights, The assassination of Martin Luther King, and of course, Vietnam.  Compared to those events the birth of a child like myself is like the faintest ripple caused by a pebble tossed in the rolling ocean. Did the universe even notice?   But, regardless of why....I'm here!  My parents noticed for sure! It was a bumpy ride... March 6th 1968 en route to Shadyside Hospital Allegehny County Pittsburg PA... "John, your driving too fast...slow down." "I'm trying to get you to the hospital, I'm driving within the limit....but, ok, you let me know when to go faster and I will..." "John?...."  "yes?" " you can go!".... This is how it hang on because for some unknown reason my father was forced to stop.  Maybe the car overheated, or ran out of gas, or maybe it was just traffic...I 'm not entirely sure but...progress was halted.  Dad hailed a passing motorcycle cop and rapidly explained the dilemma.  As I've been told, the officer called for an ambulance but there were none in the area.  The most readily available emergency vehicle was a police paddy wagon!  When it arrived it was in a state of.....less than unclean.  When the officer suggested to my mother that she might be better off laying on the floor of the vehicle my mother replied: "Not on your life!". There was absolutely no where clean to sit except for one stool.  So, my pregnant mother rode in the back of this police drunk wagon teetering on a stool as the wagon proceeded to go off road in order to save time and get to the hospital BEFORE I arrived.  Yes, it was a very bumpy ride! Things were hectic, made even more hectic by the fact that this had been the second trip to the hospital in the same day.   Backtrack several hours earlier for a minute.  My mother had experienced contractions, so she and my father loaded up the car and went to the hospital.  After several uneventful hours...nothing happened.  As I understand it my mother had a little bleeding and then...nothing.  It was even suggested that she had possibly miscarried.  Remember, this was before ultrasound existed.  More waiting and nothing...My father was painfully aware of the cost of a hospital stay and lobbied...(read pestered) for the doctor to release her to go home....They were not even certain she was still pregnant!, they went home. Now, again as I'm told my mother had called her mother to come earlier.  She arrived shortly after they had gotten home and my mother had gone upstairs to lie down.  My father showed my grandmother in and she immediately went upstairs to her daughter.  My father laid down on the living room couch and shut his eyes...Fifteen minutes later my father heard his mother in-law's voice at the top of the stairs: "John....John, we have to go back!" "you're kidding!" No, John, we have to go now!.... So now you're up to speed.  Fast forward  back to the paddy wagon on it's way to Shady Side with my mother bouncing on a stool in back and my father trying to calm her by yelling through the little wired window:"Hang on honey, almost there!"  You see, since my parents had already been to the hospital and sent home that day no one expected them one was waiting.  When they arrived my mother was in a real hurry, she took the stairs to delivery.  As the story goes, before my father finished filling out the admittance forms downstairs...I was brought into the world upstairs in delivery...all in about five minutes! "BANG"...four pounds of preemie baby   The term "preemie" premature. I was four pounds and four weeks early. I was incubated Immediately...I was put in a plastic box with windows and my parents went home with the knowledge that I would be fine after a few weeks. I am told that my brother Mike who was almost four at the time was waiting for his new brother: "Where is he?" Mike asked. "He's back at the hospital..." my parents said. "Well, Go Back AND Get Him!"....Thanks Mike!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

My niece is going through Chemo for APML Leukemia. her mother started the blog above.
I love her beyond words...say a prayer :)